This is the district through the eyes of a fish













































Catching up = pictures with short descriptions. Sufficient?

Heres a quick recap of the past few weeks and what I’ve been up to when I’m not on The Hill.

Sunday morning garden tour of the White House with my wonderful roommate.

The Occupy DC protestors encampment. Feeling torn on how I feel about them, and what their general goal is. While I think there is the inevitable disorganization that is attached to demonstrations that serve as an umbrella to many issues, I do support people wanting to have their voices heard. We are the people, and those in government seem to have forgotten who exactly elected them. They are public servants, and as so, they need to listen to us.

Walking home from work and exploring the many attractions DC has to offer. Somehow I was lured into a the National Botanical garden, where I fell in love with the jungle room. Orchids dripped from the ceilings, vines and ferns had outgrown everything, and tropical palm trees pushed to break out of their confines. As I walked around mist fell from above and left a layer of moister on my skin.

More pictures from walking around and spending a day with dino bones and bugs.

Special project featuring jelly fish that played sounds and changed different colors. Love it.

The Newseum. The best museum I’ve ever been to, and definitely the most moving. The images were captivating, the videos had people crying, and all from the power of the press. As an aspiring writer and someone who is passionate about language and literature, I am a strong supporter of freedom of speech, and the opportunity that we have as Americans to have our voices heard (some of the time), or the freedom we have to say what we want. Seeing all of these exhibits made me realize how important journalism is. It brings parts of the world into your life you would never other wise be in contact with. It helps share the human experience. It opens your eyes. Journalism and the exhibits I saw also raised the question of what do you share, as a writer or photographer? When is it too much? When do you decide that some images are not meant to be captured? How do you photograph someone dying, rather than putting down the camera and treating them as a human rather than a subject?

the radio tower from one of the twin towers

One of the better things about being in this country.

Berlin Wall

Spending a rainy day on a morning bike ride and in a coffee shop/cafe/bar.

…And finally, a nap on my lunch break…

What do all of these pictures have in common? My advice today is take advantage of the free things to do in your area, especially if you find yourself in a city on a budget. In DC every museum is free, the parks are beautiful, and the architecture that surrounds you is breathtaking. There is so much to be done you’ll find yourself with not enough time. Explore. Cities have a lot to offer.